Decoupage : New reading grid of perspective. This series is particularly rich in new forms. The hollows, the incisions, the beances within the shadow also come to liberate a new visual field. Decoupage
Interval: New spaces emerging from the void. The series Interval plays on a cut at several levels of the shadow itself offering a visual shift of time and creating new shapes that dialogue with each others Interval
Assemblage : The Multitude united, the operating simulacrum. Aggregating, superimposing, building, either through my own shadow or as part of a larger ensemble in the declination called Excursion Assemblage
Pliage: Multidimensional symphony of the body and soul. The series Pliage is by definition a series of movement of the shadow as it operates in zones of fold, unevenness, or that it unfolds itself thanks to the movement of the air. Pliage
Excursion: The infinitely small beauty of the world. The Excursion series is built around the play of the shadow and the background of the subject of the photo. The depth and the perspectives around or by the shadow itself are here particular elements to Excursion
Ombrage. The canopy as a secret part of each of us. Trees shadow is not coincidentally the most positive perception of shadow by people. Protection yes but also projection of the sky, of the universe on the ground. This Ombrage series deliver some of them Ombrage
Camouflage.The art of subliming nature. The camouflage series fits naturally into the work of all series of shadow photos and accounts for what totals or affects harmony in nature Camouflage
Chiaroscuro : the perpetual dialog between light and shadow fragments. The clair obscur is a limitless subject , spiritual representation. This series proposes to work as much on the shadow as the light with nuances, degrades, lines and points Chiaroscuro